New Visitors
Hi, welcome to Joppatowne Christian Church’s website. Here you can find information on our church activities and services at Joppatowne Christian Church’s building. But please don’t confuse the building with the church. The church is made up of the people of God and we are the church wherever we go. We hope you’ll join us somewhere in our community to get a better idea of what that looks like. Here’s some more information to make that easier!
When are your services?
We host two Sunday School classes every week at 9 AM, one for adults and one for families.
We have one Sunday worship service weekly at 10:15 AM.
What should I wear?
Clothes, please. Beyond that, please something you find comfortable whether that’s your “Sunday best” or your best Ravens jersey.
Where is your church’s building?
You can find our building at 725 Trimble Road in Joppa, Maryland. It’s located near Magnolia Elementary and Middle schools. Please look at this map for more information.
Ok, but just so I know, what does your building look like?
Where can I park?
If you’re coming for Sunday School or anything in the Fellowship Hall, turn into our parking lot and take the right fork to the lower lot.
If you’re coming for our Sunday morning Worship Service, turn into our parking lot and take the left fork to the upper lot.
What do you have available for children?
For the Sunday School hour (9 AM), we offer a Family Sunday School class that meets on the first floor of our building. All ages are welcome to come learn together. If you park in the lower lot, you’ll want to make your way over to the left side of the building.
During our Worship Service (10:15 AM), we offer nursery care up to age 2 and have a play / cry room for any children who need it.
A kids’ service takes place during our worship service. We hope that all children will sing with their parents and then they have an option to go downstairs for a lesson during the sermon time.
All of our teachers and nursery workers have up-to-date background checks.
Do you have any Sunday School classes or Small Groups for adults?
We do! We have two classes on Sunday morning geared for adults. One is a traditional Bible study led by an experienced teacher and the other currently uses a web app called BibleX to form the basis for a group discussion about the Bible.
We also have a Bible Study that meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month for “empty-nesters,” those whose children have “flown the coop.”
Still have more questions?
We’re always happy to help! Please let us know your questions or comments by filling out this feedback form or contacting our preacher, Adam Shellenbarger, at [email protected]